Join our 5-Day Reformer Challenge with These Workouts!
World’s Most Comprehensive Online Pilates Studio

Ready to be challenged? Try One Week of FREE Pilates Reformer Workouts.
Ready for a full body, balanced, and fun set of Reformer workouts?
John Garey and his team of world-class teachers combine the worlds of fitness and Pilates. With our Top 5 reformer workouts, you will get an advanced workout that focuses on the entire body while challenging you and keeping you having fun. This is a great way to experience the benefits and training that can be had through John Garey TV!

Meet Master Pilates Teacher, John Garey.
John Garey is a celebrated Pilates instructor and the creator of John Garey TV and Pilates Grad School. Despite his focus on fun, he has some serious Pilates street cred. John studied extensively with Pilates legends such as Moira Merrithew, Elizabeth Larkham, and Rael Isacowitz and has over 25 years of experience teaching Pilates.
John Garey knows the power of a Pilates transformation and loves helping people overcome obstacles in their pursuit of health and wellness.
John has a desire to grow and learn that drives him to excellence and mastery. He knows that fitness is about mindset: when he’s not playing with his dogs Rex and Bam Bam, you can find him reading and learning—and sharing his wisdom with his community.