Even as an adult, the end of summer reminds me of getting ready for school. I loved getting school supplies and books and the thought of learning new things. It’s a time when you are challenged to learn more, grow, and become a better you.
I don’t think that should ever stop learning and growing. So, I’m giving myself an opportunity to grow and become a better me. Five days ago I started a 90 day Health and Fitness Challenge. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but I was on vacation last week, and I had a lot of quiet time, so the challenge I wanted to do fully evolved in my mind. I wanted something physical, but also something mental for this challenge. I set goals and a timeline for some things I really want to accomplish. In October I’ll turn 59 and I’m going to end my 58th year and start the new year doing something to make me proud. I’m going to see how far I can push my physique and also, at the same time, learn to be happier.
For all of us, the world has been a crazy place lately, more crazy than usual. I realized while I was on vacation, that I was letting the things around me control me – specifically the media, social and news, was getting to me. I was allowing it. I found myself thinking and feeling in ways that weren’t right for me. Anger, frustration, worry, and sadness were all too common feelings throughout my day. I knew that something had to change, and that something was me. I’ve made up my mind (I love that phrase) to do something about it. My 90 day challenge is to focus inward. Eat healthier, make better workout choices, push myself physically and focus on calming my mind. I’ve created my own 90-day, at-home, health spa program.

Here are my goals
- Create a happier, healthier me
- Lose my stomach (AKA find my abs)
- Specifically get to 10% body fat
- Start a meditation and yoga practice habit – (instead of cocktail hour)
- Be vegan for the next 90 days (and then decide what’s next)
- Lower my blood pressure, resting heart rate, and cholesterol
- Get better sleep
- Block all politics from my FB feeds – already on day 2, I feel amazing!
- Turn off the news / Vote in November – I’ve already made up my mind, so why bombard myself with negativity until then?
- No alcohol (I love my red wine, but enough is enough)
- No cheese (that means pizza and that is going to be the toughest for me – but it’s not called a challenge because it’s going to be easy)
- No highly processed / fried foods or foods made with ingredients I have to look up. (Simple minimally processed foods only)
- Plant-based diet of Fruits / Roots / Beans / Greens as the main staples of the eating plan.
- Consistent workout program
- Morning Walks or runs with Rex in the forest (BamBam is still recovering from a leg injury and goes to the studio with Mike while he works out during my walk with Rex)
- Cardio 5-6 days per week – on top of the morning walks.
- Strength Training 6 days per week
- At least one workout on a different piece of Pilates equipment each week
- Mobility (stretching) every day
- Meditation / yoga every day
- Tracking – writing down everything – nutrition, exercise, and journaling daily. This is such an important component to achieving your goals.
- Lose my stomach (AKA find my abs)
Here is an overview of the first 4 days
Tracking and journaling is such an important thing to do. It helps you maintain accountability. It helps you see patterns of progress or regress. And, it means I can buy school supplies. Yippee!!!
I’m using a new planner. I really like it’s versatility and the great info it has in the beginning.
How you can get involved:
So, although this is a personal challenge, I want to share my journey with my JGTV family and friends. You can choose to join me for a week, or month or the full 90 days, or you can just cheer me on on my quest to be a better me. I’ll be posting on our JGTV private Facebook group throughout the journey, with new recipes I’m trying, updates on my progress, and things I’m learning along the way.
I hope that this new season brings you joy, peace, and amazing health. And, I know it will if you work on it.
Happy September everyone!
— John
P.S. If you’re not a member of JGTV and would like access to an extensive library of Pilates classes and education, as well as become part of our private online FB community, join today for only $10 for your first month!